Organic Jackfruit Chips
Sweet and crunchy dried chips made from the ripe fruit.
Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus or 'nangka' in Indonesian) is originally native to India, but it has spread to all tropical regions around the globe. This largest tree-borne fruit is widely cultivated across Indonesia, where people enjoy the sweet ripe fruit fresh or mixed into desserts. Nutritionally, jackfruit is a great source of vitamins B6, C, A, as well as thiamine, folate and potassium.
Although ripe jackfruit is mostly consumed fresh, but it can also be dried and fried into jackfruit 'chips'. As with our other fruit chips, our Organic Jackfruit Chips is vacuum fried - a process that preserves most of the ripe jackfruit’s natural color and flavors. Furthermore, vacuum frying involves lower temperature that minimizes the formation of suspected carcinogens that usually occur in regular (higher temperature) frying.
All the care and technology we put into producing our Organic Jackfruit Chips ensure that every bite is still packed with the fresh jackfruit’s uniquely creamy floral sweetness, but with a satisfying crunch!