Organic Canned Jackfruit

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Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus or 'nangka' in Indonesian) is originally native to India, but it has spread to all tropical regions around the globe. This largest tree-borne fruit is widely cultivated across Indonesia, where people enjoy the sweet ripe fruit fresh or mixed into desserts. Crunchy, dried jackfruit 'chips' are also a popular snack. Furthermore, Indonesians cook the unripe or 'green' fruit in various traditional curries and stews.

This use of the 'green' or young jackfruit as a cooking ingredient has been gaining exposure and acceptance in the global vegetarian/vegan community as a viable meat substitute, because its cooked texture, mild meat-like taste and nutritional values resemble that of beef. Nutritionally, jackfruit is a great source of vitamins B6, C, A, as well as thiamine, folate and potassium.

PMA aims to popularize this amazingly versatile tropical fruit on the foreign market. As with our other offerings, our jackfruit products are certified organic by international certification bodies. We use modern processing technology and machines for autoclave, boiling, canning and pasteurization – in our effort to maximize the preservation of the natural nutritions and flavors, as well as ensuring food safety for our customers.

PMA also offers another jackfruit product in the form of vacuum-fried Organic Jackfruit Chips..

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